Homeless Veterans' Reintegration Program (HVRP) Imfornation Session
Date and Time
Wednesday Jan 15, 2025
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM MST
Date: Wednesday, January 15, 2025
Time: 1 - 2 p.m. MST
Webinar, register here: https://events.teams.microsoft.com/event/9024ec2d-12d9-4765-90eb-212b2eb3a8dd@e1f1c337-2599-4753-95d8-4853fb4b179c/registration
Contact Information
Miranda Moffat
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My name is Miranda Moffat, Outreach Coach for the National Veterans’ Technical Assistance Center (NVTAC), a contracted program funded by the U.S. Department of Labor, Veterans’ Employment and Training Service (DOL/VETS). I am excited to invite you to an information session about HVRP. This session is intended for organizations serving LGBTQI+ individuals.
About HVRP: HVRP is a competitive grant administered by DOL/VETS. It is the only federal grant dedicated exclusively to competitive employment for veterans experiencing or at risk of homelessness and is a transformative force in addressing the complex challenges they face.
Session Highlights:
- Overview of HVRP Services and Resources: Learn about the comprehensive supports offered to veterans, including job training, placement assistance, and more.
- Collaborating with a Local HVRP: Best practices for connecting with a current HVRP grant recipient in your area.
- Applying for Funding: Information about HVRP funding opportunities, eligibility criteria, and tips for preparing a grant application.