LOOKOUT Publications

LOOKOUT Publications



About Us

LOOKOUT is a nonprofit newsroom dedicated to covering LGBTQ+ issues through deep accountability-driven news. We believe that queer issues should be above the fold, and at the top of web pages. Through written narratives, data-driven stories, multimedia deep-dives, and community events, we elevate the queer experience in local news.

LOOKOUT is a multi-disciplinary organization whose mission is to deliver fearless journalism, content, and events with the unified purpose of improving and expanding LGBTQ+ representation on the Arizona news stage, and building strength and engaging LGBTQ+ communities (and their allies) in the queer experience.

Our vision is to inspire and hasten a queer experience that’s liberated from injustice and delivers on the promise of equal respect, rights, and opportunity for all people — while also holding those who perpetuate queer domination to journalistic account.



Rep/Contact Info

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View Personal Bio
Mr. Jake Hylton
Executive Director
Joseph Darius Jaafari
Editor in Chief